This example connects channel 13 to channel 01 of an RF multiplexer in
matrix-type configuration. The multiplexer is defined as a single-module
switchbox instrument. See the following figure for typical user
To connect channel 13 to channel 01, execute:
CLOS (@101,113) ! Connect channel 01 to channel 13.
1 is the card number and 01, 13
are channel numbers.
To open the channels, use OPEN (@101,113).
Query Channel States. Use CLOSe? <channel_list> or
OPEN? <channel_list> to query the channel states (open/closed). CLOSe?
returns a 1 for channels closed, 0 for channels open. OPEN? returns a 0 for
channels closed, 1 for channels open. (Commands do not account for relay
hardware failures.)
Channel Closure Order.
CLOSe <channel_list> can be used to close
multiple channels (one at a time). However, the sequence in which multiple
channels are closed with a single command is not guaranteed.
Figure 3-3. Matrix-Type Switching
28 Using the HP E1366A/E1367A RF Multiplexer Module Chapter 3