9.2.1 Post-Text
Post text inserters are used to identify the currently selected camera and display
time/date, current operator name and other system information onto the monitor.
9.2.2 Pre-text
Pre-text inserters are sometimes used when cameras need to be recorded onto a
dedicated video recorder. They provide identification of that camera as well as the
current time/date display. Pre-text would not usually be used in the system.
When the entire video picture has to be viewed and a suitable position for the text cannot
be found, the text display can be programmed to time-out, if the monitor is not in use.
This enables the monitor to have displayed text when it is used, and a clear picture
(without text), when it is left untouched.
Monitor blanking is used to remove unnecessary video pictures (and text) from alarm
monitors. Usually, alarm monitors remain blank until an alarm condition occurs.
Camera selections are then displayed to view the active alarm zone. Once the alarm has
been cleared the alarm monitor can again be blanked.
This would automatically be managed by the system.
When a monitor switches from one camera to another, frame roll will occur if the camera
signals are not synchronized. This occurs because the monitor takes time to
resynchronize to the new video signal.
The MAXPRO-Net Crosspoint Matrix Video Switching System holds the monitor black
while frame roll occurs creating an illusion that the frame roll is non-existent.
With black pause, we have monitors that are pleasant and less stressful to look at, when
switching from one camera to another.
Rev. A 9-2 HMXMU001056