When the printer is wall-mounted, the front of the printer points up.
Therefore, the print data appears upside down when data is printed
normally. This command allows the data to be right-side up as it comes out
of the printer.
v When upside-down printing is enabled, the last line of data must be sent
to the print first.
v This command is valid only at the beginning of a print line.
Select Character Size for Scalable Fonts
This command is supported only for the thermal station.
RS-232 Syntax:
GS ! n or X'1D;21;n'
n Defines the height and width of a character. The four least
significant bits (LSBs) specify the height and the four most
significant bits (MSBs) specify the width of the character. See
Table 17.
For example, if n=X'14' the scaled character will be twice the
defined width and five times the defined height.
Table 17. Width and Height for Scalable Fonts
Four MSBs (in
Character Width Four LSBs (in
Character Height
0 As defined 0 As defined
12× defined width 1 2 × defined height
23× defined width 2 3 × defined height
34× defined width 3 4 × defined height
45× defined width 4 5 × defined height
56× defined width 5 6 × defined height
67× defined width 6 7 × defined height
78× defined width 7 8 × defined height
To select the size of a character.
v This command is valid only in the thermal print station.
v Bits 3 and 8 of n are ignored.
v The Set Print Mode command (see “Set Print Mode” on page 125) can
also select the character height (double high and double wide). The last
command that is received is the effective command.
updated March 18, 2002
140 SureMark DBCS User’s Guide