Summary of Changes
This section summarizes the changes included in the latest editions of this manual.
Web-only Update for GA27-4256-01 (March 2002)
This update contains updates to the paper loading procedure for models TM6 and
TF6. See “Paper Loading” on page 63.
Web-only Update for GA27-4256-01 (June 2001)
This edition includes the updates for the TG5 model.
This edition includes information for the support of a USB logic card.
Information that was added includes:
v “USB Connector Pin Assignments” on page 81.
v USB information has been added to “Voltage Conversion Circuitry” on page 79
and “Hardware Requirements” on page 8.
v The part number for the available USB cables has been added to “Features
Used with the SureMark Printers” on page 5.
v Information about your responsibilities when using USB communications has
been added to “Planning Information” on page 5.
v The data rate for USB communications has been added to “Communication
Interfaces” on page 6.
v Information about installing the SureMark printer for use with USB
communications has been added to “Installing for USB Communication” on
page 15.
v Information about installing fillers for the SureMark printer when using USB
communications has been added to “Installing Fillers for USB Printers” on
page 21.
v Communication mode information for USB has been added to “USB
Communication Mode” on page 25.
v Relevant information for performing problem determination with USB has been
added to Table 6 on page 59.
This edition includes information for the support of the new single-station SureMark
printers, which are models TF7 and TM7, and also information about new functions
and commands for Model TI5. Changed or new information is indicated by a
revision bar (|) in the left margin. (There are no revision bars in the margin of
figures. Refer to “Figures” on page xxi for revision bars that show which figures
have been changed.)
Changes for this edition include:
v Because there are important differences between models TF7 and TM7, which
are single-station SureMark printers, and the Model TI5 thermal/impact SureMark
printer, the book has been reorganized into three parts.
updated March 18, 2002
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999,2001 xix