Intel Itanium 2 Processor Computer Hardware User Manual

84 Datasheet
System Management Feature Specifications
37h 32 Package Revision Four 8-bit ASCII characters Itanium
2 Package =
INT2b, (1.50 GHz 4MB
and above) = INT3b:
37h = I
38h = N
39h = T
3Ah = 2 or 3
3Bh 2 Substrate Revision
Software ID
2-bit revision number 00
3Ch 8 Reserved Reserved for future use 00h
3Dh 8 Checksum 1 byte checksum Add up by byte and
take 2’s complement
Part Numbers
3Eh 56 Processor Part Number Seven 8-bit ASCII characters Itanium 2 (900 MHz,
1.0 GHz) = 80542KC.
Itanium 2 processor
(1.30 GHz -1.66 GHz) =
•3Eh =8
•3Fh =0
40h = “5”
41h = “4”
42h = “2” or “3”
43h = “K”
44h = “C”
45h 64 Processor Electronic
64-bit identification number May have padded
4Dh 168 Reserved Reserved for future use x0h
62h 8 Checksum 1 byte checksum Add up by byte and
take 2’s complement
Thermal Reference
63h 8 Upper Temp Reference
Hex value of thermal upper temp
Default = 113 for 1.66
GHz through 1.5
GHz/4MB. Default =
105 for all others.
64h 8 Thermal Calibration Offset
Byte Present
Number of degrees in error (±) Default = 0
65h 8 Reserved Reserved for future use 00h
66h 8 Checksum 1 byte checksum Add up by byte and
take 2’s complement.
67h 32 IA-32 Processor Core
Feature Flags
From 32 bit CPUID 4387FBFFh
6Bh 64 Reserved Reserved (Processor core
feature flags implemented in the
processor family)
0000 0000 6380 811Bh
Table 6-4. Processor Information ROM Format (Sheet 3 of 4)
# of
Function Notes Examples