Intel Itanium 2 Processor Computer Hardware User Manual

90 Datasheet
System Management Feature Specifications
6.7.5 Conversion Rate Register
The contents of the conversion rate register determine the nominal rate at which analog-to-digital
conversions happen when the thermal sensing device is in auto-convert mode. Table 6-16 shows
the mapping between conversion rate register values and the conversion rate. As indicated in
Table 6-16, the conversion rate register is set to its default state of 02h (0.25 Hz nominally) when
the thermal sensing device is powered-up. There is a ±25% error tolerance between the conversion
rate indicated in the conversion rate register and the actual conversion rate.
Table 6-16. Thermal Sensing Device Conversion Rate Register
Register Contents Conversion Rate (Hz)
00h 0.0625
01h 0.125
02h 0.25
03h 0.5
04h 1
05h 2
06h 4
07h 8
08h to FFh Reserved for future use