
Navigating Among Folders
Use the Object Selection table to navigate among
folders. For every folder which has subfolders, there
will be an Open task in the Tasks list. For ever folder
which has a parent folder (that is, for ever folder that
is, itself, a subfolder) there will be an Up task in the
Tasks list.
To navigate among folders
1. On the primary menu bar, select Folders and
2. On the secondary menu bar, select Folders. (See
Figure 48 on page 112.)
3. On the Object Selection table of the Volumes
on Server Appliance page, select the folder you
want to navigate within.
4. In the Tasks list, click Open. (See Figure 46 on
page 108).
5. In the Folders on Server Appliance page,
¨ Select the folder you want to navigate within.
¨ In the Tasks list, click Open.
OR —
¨ In the Tasks list, click Up to return to volume
Manage Windows and UNIX Shares
The Windows and UNIX Shares option allows
users to create, open, delete, or configure a variety of
network folders. The Shared Folders on Server
Appliance page displays an Object Selection table
which has the following parts:
n Shared Folder — This column lists each shared
folder by name. To create, open, delete, or