Iomega Network Device Network Card User Manual

DataSafe NAS User’s Manual 114
configure the properties of a given share, click the
radio button next to the name of the share you
want to modify.
n Shared Path — This column displays the share
n Type — This column indicates the share type:
W = Windows (CIFS)
n Description — This column displays a brief
description of the share, if one has been provided.
Use the Object Selection table to select a share,
then click the task you want to perform from the Tasks
list (located next to the Object Selection table).
Section Topics
n Adding a Windows or UNIX Share” on page 114
n Removing a Windows or UNIX Share” on page 116
n Modifying Windows or UNIX Share Properties” on
page 118
Adding a Windows or UNIX Share
To create a share, you must supply a share name that
is unique across all shares, the share path (that is, the
directory on the DataSafe NAS to be shared). Some
protocols also support the inclusion of a comment or
brief description of the share. Additionally, you must
enable at least one of the available protocols.
While a single user interface is provided to create a
share for all protocols, in actuality, a separate share is
created for each protocol. You can remove a share for
one protocol without removing the share for the