
DataSafe NAS User’s Manual 59
4 Manage Services
The service management page allows you to enable
and start, disable and stop, or configure relevant
network services. The Manage Services page
displays the Object Selection table. The Object
Selection table has the following parts:
n Name — This column lists each service by name.
To enable, disable, or change the properties of a
given service, click the radio button next to the
service you want to modify.
n Status — This column indicates that the service is
Running, or is Paused. The column remains blank
if the service is not stopped.
n Startup Type — This column indicates whether
the service should: 1) start automatically when the
DataSafe NAS boots, 2) be invoked manually, or 3)
be disabled.
n Description — This column displays a brief
description of the service.
The Tasks list is located next to the Object
Selection table. Use the Object Selection table to
select a service. To perform a task, click the
appropriate task from the Tasks list.
Chapter Sections
This chapter contains the following Sections:
n Enable Services” on page 61
n Disable Services” on page 61
n Configure Service Properties” on page 61