Appendix B: Advanced troubleshooting
If your printer lights look like
this in configuration mode:
Then your printer: Factory
Parallel Mode 2 setting is on, the factory default.
This setting determines if the parallel port data is sampled
on the leading or trailing edge of strobe. If Parallel Mode 2
is set On, the parallel port data is sampled on the leading
edge of strobe. The parallel port data is sampled on the
trailing edge of strobe if Parallel Mode 2
is set Off.
• Do a brief button press to scroll through the settings (On,
Off) for this menu item.
• Do a double button press to scroll to the next menu item,
Parallel Strobe Adjust.
• Do a long button press to select and save a setting for
this menu. As the setting is saved, all operator panel
indicator lights remain on for approximately 2 seconds.
Turn off the printer to exit Configuration Mode.