
DataTalker Owner’s Manual
7 If the data port is set up as an asynchronous data channel, you should verify all 12 options.
Data Port Configuration
1 - Async/Sync: Sync
2 - Speed: 19200
3 - Clocking: Internal
4 - Idle Condition: Flags
5 - NRZ/NRZI Encoding: NRZ
6 - CRC Preset: All 1s
7 - Inter-frame Timer: Off
S -
Store All Configuations
M - Main Menu
P - Previous Menu
Selection : _
If the data port is set up as a synchronous data channel, the sync parameters are displayed.
8 When you have verified or set all options for the data port, enter S and press ENTER to store
all configurations. Then enter M and press ENTER to return to the Main Menu.
9 Disconnect the terminal or PC from the command port and place DIP switch position 3 in the
up (OPEN) position to change the data/command port to a data channel.