Multi-Tech Systems DT102 Fax Machine User Manual

Chapter 2 - Configuration
The Configurations menu is displayed. From this menu you can configure the data port, voice/fax
channel(s), or the composite link. You can also select various factory defaults and store your
current configuration.
1 - Data Port Configuration
2 - Voice/Fax Channel(s) Configuration
3 - Composite Link Configuration
4 - Factory Default Configuration Options
5 - Configure Remote Unit
S - Store All Configurations
M - Main Menu
P - Previous Menu
Selection : _
For both the local and the remote DataTalkers, the data communications will be asynchronous,
so you may accept the defaults in the Data Port Configuration menu (option 1). If your
configuration requires you to set up the data ports differently, enter 1 and press ENTER to select
the Data Port Configuration menu, and select the new parameters.
To configure the voice/fax channels, enter 2 and press ENTER. The Voice/Fax Channel 1
Configuration menu appears. For both DataTalkers, change the local interface type (option 6) and
the remote interface type (option 11) to E&M . For the other selections, accept the defaults .
Voice/Fax Channel 1 Configuration
1 - Destination Channel : 1
2 - Digitizing Rate : 9600
3 - Output Level Atten. : 12
4 - Input Level Gain : 03
5 - Silence Suppression : Off
6 - Local Interface Type : FXS
7 - Ground/Loop Start (FXS) : Loop
8 - 2 or 4 Wire (E&M) : N/A
9 - Dialtone/Wink (E&M) : N/A
10 - Wink Timer (E&M) : N/A
11 - Remote Interface Type : FXS
12 - Ground/Loop Start (FXS) : Loop
13 - 2 or 4 Wire (E&M) : N/A
14 - Dialtone/Wink (E&M) : N/A
S - Store All Configurations
M - Main Menu
P - Previous Menu
Selection : _
Enter S and press ENTER to store your selections. Enter P to return to the Configurations menu.
At the Configurations menu, enter 3 and press ENTER to display the Composite Link Settings
The DataTalker knows the type of link device being used by the way a DIP switch is set or by
reading an installed device on the main PC board. In this configuration, an internal ISDN terminal
adapter is being used as the composite link device. So, when the Composite Link Settings menu
is displayed, it is for an internal terminal adapter: