Use Keywords to Block Internet Sites
You can use keywords to block certain Internet sites from your network.You can use blocking all the time or based
on a schedule.
To block Internet sites:
1. Launch a web browser from a computer or wireless device that is connected to the network.
2. Enter
A login window opens.
3. Enter the router user name and password.
The user name is admin.The default password is password.The user name and password are case-sensitive.
The BASIC Home page displays.
4. Select ADVANCED > Security > Block Sites.
5. Select a keyword blocking option:
• Per Schedule. Turn on keyword blocking according to a schedule that you set. (See Schedule When to
Block Internet Sites and Services on page 54.)
• Always. Turn on keyword blocking all the time, independent of the Schedule page.
6. In the Type keyword or domain name here field, enter a keyword or domain that you want to block.
For example:
• Specify XXX to block
• Specify .com if you want to allow only sites with domain suffixes such as .edu or .gov.
• Enter a period (.) to block all Internet browsing access.
Control Access to the Internet