NETGEAR M4100-D12G Switch User Manual

Switching Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
5 Enabled Enabled --NULL—
6 Enabled Enabled netgear
7 Enabled Disabled --NULL—
8 Enabled Disabled --NULL—
9 Enabled Disabled --NULL—
10 Enabled Disabled --NULL--
DHCP Client Commands
DHCP Client can include vendor and configuration information in DHCP client requests
relayed to a DHCP server. This information is included in DHCP Option 60, Vendor Class
Identifier. The information is a string of 128 octets.
dhcp client vendor-id-option
Use this command to enable the inclusion of DHCP Option-60, Vendor Class Identifier
included in the requests transmitted to the DHCP server by the DHCP client operating in the
Format dhcp client vendor-id-option
no dhcp client vendor-id-option
Use this command to disable the inclusion of DHCP Option-60, Vendor Class Identifier
included in the requests transmitted to the DHCP server by the DHCP client operating in the
Format no dhcp client vendor-id-option
dhcp client vendor-id-option-string
Use this command to set the DHCP Vendor Option-60 string to be included in requests
transmitted to the DHCP server by the DHCP client operating in the switch.
Format dhcp client vendor-id-option-string <string>
no dhcp client vendor-id-option-string
Use this command to clear the DHCP Vendor Option-60 string.
Format no dhcp client vendor-id-option-string
Global Config
Global Config
Global Config
Global Config