Nortel Networks 2000 Switch User Manual

Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual G. Accessory Programs and Tools
Version 4.4 217 July 2005
G.1.3 Encoding / Decoding an ini File
For detailed information on secured ini file, refer to Section 6.1 on page 87.
To encode an ini file, take these 6 steps:
1. Execute the TrunkPack Downloadable Conversion Utility, DConvert240.exe (supplied with
the software package); the utility’s main screen opens (shown in Figure G-1).
2. Click the Process Encoded/Decoded ini file(s) button; the ‘Encode/Decode ini File(s)’
screen, shown in Figure G-5, opens.
Figure G-5: Encode/Decode ini File(s) Screen
3. Click the Select File… button under the ‘Encode ini File(s)’ section.
4. Navigate to the folder that contains the ini file you want to encode.
5. Click the ini file and click the Open button; the name and path of both the ini file and the
output encoded file appear in the fields under the Select File button. Note that the name and
extension of the output file can be modified.
6. Click the Encode File(s) button; an encoded ini file with the name and extension you
specified is created.
To decode an encoded ini file, take these 4 steps:
1. Click the Select File… button under the ‘Decode ini File(s)’ section.
2. Navigate to the folder that contains the file you want to decode.
3. Click the file and click the Open button. the name and path of both the encode ini file and the
output decoded file appear in the fields under the Select File button. Note that the name of
the output file can be modified.
4. Click the Decode File(s) button; a decoded ini file with the name you specified is created.
Note that the decoding process verifies the input file for validity. Any change made to the
encoded file causes an error and the decoding process is aborted.