Nortel Networks 2000 Switch User Manual

Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual L. SNMP Traps
Version 4.4 275 July 2005
L.1.2 Component: AlarmManager#0
Table L-9: acActiveAlarmTableOverflow Alarm Trap
Default Severity
Event Type:
Probable Cause:
resourceAtOrNearingCapacity (43)
Alarm Text:
Active alarm table overflow
Status Changes:
Condition: Too many alarms to fit in the active alarm table
Alarm status: major
Condition: After raise
Alarm status: Status stays major until reboot. A clear trap is not sent.
Note: The status stays major until reboot as it denotes a possible loss of information until the
next reboot. If an alarm is raised when the table is full, it is possible that the alarm is
active, but does not appear in the active alarm table.
Corrective Action: Some alarm information may have been lost, but the ability of the device to perform its
basic operations has not been impacted. A reboot is the only way to completely clear a
problem with the active alarm table. Contact your first-level group.
L.1.3 Component: EthernetLink#0
Table L-10: acBoardEthernetLinkAlarm Alarm Trap
Default Severity
Event Type:
Probable Cause:
underlyingResourceUnavailable (56)
Alarm Text:
Ethernet link alarm: <text>
Status Changes:
Condition: Fault on single interface
Alarm status: major
<text> value: Redundant link is down
Condition: Fault on both interfaces
Alarm status: critical
<text> value: No Ethernet link
Condition: Both interfaces are operational
Alarm status: cleared
Corrective Action: Ensure that both Ethernet cables are plugged into the back of the system. Inspect the
system’s Ethernet link lights to determine which interface is failing. Reconnect the cable
or fix the network problem