FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP Ports Appendix E
Maximum Number of Stored Records (Response)
The maximum number of records that can be stored in the IP router table is returned. The maximum number of
stored records is fixed at 0008 (8 records).
Number of Stored Records (Response)
The number of IP router table records stored at the time the command is executed is returned in hexadecimal.
IP Router table Records (Response)
The number of IP router table records specified in the number of records parameter is returned. The total num-
ber of bytes in the IP router table records is calculated as the number of records × 8 bytes/record. The configu-
ration of the 8 bytes of data in each record is shown below.
IP Network Address
The network ID from the IP address in hexadecimal. The network ID part corresponding to the address class
(determined by the leftmost 3 bits) set here, is enabled.
Router IP Address
The IP address (in hexadecimal) of a router connected to a network specified with IP addresses.
If the IP router table contains fewer records than the number specified in the number of records parameter, all
the records contained in the IP router table when the command is executed will be returned and the command
execution will end normally.
Response Codes
Reads the protocol status or the EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port.
Command Block
Response Block
IP Network address
(Network ID)
Router IP address
8 bytes
Response code Description
0000 Normal end
1001 Command too large
1002 Command too small
27 62
27 62
IP status ICMP status TCP status UDP statusResponse
48 bytes 184 bytes 184 bytes 12 bytes