Paradyne 8779 Network Router User Manual

7. Monitoring and Troubleshooting
8700-A2-GB20-40 May 2002
Fields on this screen include:
Viewing Network Performance Statistics
Network performance statistics allow you to monitor the current status of network
DSL operations.
To view Network Performance Statistics, follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Performance Statistics
Network Performance Statistics
Field . . . Contains . . .
Current Interval
The number of seconds which have elapsed in the current 15-minute
interval. Maximum value is 900 seconds (15 minutes). This counter is
reset every 15 minutes. When zero, the port is disabled.
Error Events
A running total of CRC errors. Range 065535. This counter resets
when the near-end data is cleared. When zero, the port is disabled.
Current Int Performance data for the current 15-minute interval. When blank, the
port is disabled.
Historical performance data for up to 96 15-minute intervals
(24 hours). When blank, the port is disabled.
Worst Interval The number of the interval with the worst (highest) performance data
for both the near- and far-end statistics. If two or more intervals are
equal, the oldest interval is displayed. When blank, the port is disabled.
Near and Far
A running 24-hour total of the near- and far-end performance statistics.
Slot: 4: Model: 87xx
Payload Rate: 1536 kbps
Current Interval Timer: 002 DSL Line Rate: 1552 kbps
--Mrgn-- --XmtPw- --RxGn-- -Complete-
Near Far Near Far Near Far Near Far
Current Int: +02 +01 +03 +03 +02 +02 Yes Yes
Interval 01
+02 +02 +03 +03 +02 +02 Yes No
Interval 02
+02 +01 +03 +03 +02 +02 Yes Yes
Interval 03
+02 +01 +03 +03 +02 +02 Yes Yes
Interval 04
+02 +01 +03 +03 +02 +02 Yes Yes
Interval 05
+02 +01 +03 +03 +02 +02 Yes Yes
Interval 06
+02 +01 +03 +03 +02 +02 Yes Yes
Interval 07
+02 +01 +03 +03 +02 +02 Yes Yes
Ctrl-a to access these functions, ESC for previous menu M
ainMenu Exit
p PgDn