20 | C1508M-A (02/01)
The center of 9740 system operation is the CC1 controller.
Monitoring operations and performing housekeeping chores are important parts of main-
taining the CC1 and system integrity. First, we will discuss the tools used to monitor CC1
operation in general; then, we will discuss specific examples. Later, we will talk about
and its relationship to maintaining system integrity.
The diagnostic screen on the VGA monitor and the SysWindow of the MGR program lo-
cated on the external PC are adjuncts of the controller that are used for monitoring system
functions and errors. In most single-node applications, the VGA monitor and associated
keyboard are connected, respectively, directly to the VGA port and keyboard connector on
the CC1.
Similarly, the MGR program and its associated SysWindow, as well as other useful dialog
windows, are located on an external PC and connected to the CC1s Comm port.
For multi-node configurations (the CM9740-CC1 can be configured as a node in a multi-
node system), the VGA monitor (for the diagnostic) and the external PC containing the
MGR program are attached to the CC1 containing the NIU.
To avoid confusion over equipment configurations and the type of display screen you can
expect to see on monitors attached to specific points within a configuration, refer to Figure 18.
7.1.2 The Diagnostic Screen
Once initialization takes place, the multi-node diagnostic screen is rather passive; it sits
there unless system status changes. Nothing will change on the display screen. The single-
node diagnostic screen, however, is a bit more engaging.
You have already seen how the diagnostic screen is used to observe system functions dur-
ing CC1 initialization.
Moreover, at the end of the initialization process, the VGA monitor diagnostic displays a
“Setup Complete” message on the System box (or the System Error line as it sometimes
called) of the screen. Information pertaining to system errors appear here, as well as infor-
mation pertaining to system operation. In addition, the results of PC keyboard commands
appear here, which we’ll discuss later.
Initialization will occur any time that the CC1 goes through the boot process. That happens
when any of the following circumstances occur:
1. When power is cycled on the CC1.
2. When the reset button is pressed.
3. When an Alt + Ctrl + Delete key combination is invoked.