26 | C1508M-A (02/01)
A number of these key combinations are quite helpful. Below we illustrate the diagnostic
screens of some when the referenced key combination is invoked.
There may be times when an error message appears on the System box (System Error
line) that might be due to system noise or other temporary communication problems. To
separate genuine from occasional “hits,” press the spacebar. Pressing the spacebar clears
the System box. If the error message is transient, it will not reappear again. If it does, then
investigate the possible source of the error.
Figure 21
Keys Command–Examples
7.2.1 Setting and Adjusting System Time–For Single-Node
One special key combination is ALT + L, which is used in the process of making adjustments
to system time. System time is one of the onscreen attributes that appears on all displays
within a system. How the time is displayed is set up in the System configuration file; how
time is set or changed is discussed here.
Single-node setup or adjustment of system time is functionally the same as that followed for
multi-node setup of system time. For single-node operation, the single-node diagnostic
screen is used.
Determine your current “global” configuration file name (if you don’t already know it) by in-
voking an ALT + N key combination command. You will need that piece of information later.