
CM9740-CC1 | 27
To adjust the time:
We first synchronize the system clock (this is the clock kept by the DOS operating system)
to an RTC (a Reference Time Clock). We then let the system run for 24 hours (or a multiple
of 24 hours, if necessary). We then compare the system clock again with the RTC and note
any difference. We then synchro-
nize the system clock with the
RTC again and then enter a time
correction to the system clock
based on our earlier observation.
To accomplish this, do the following:
1. Exit the diagnostic program
with the Ctrl + Q key combi-
nation. This should take you
to the C:\9740> prompt.
2. At the DOS prompt, enter
the TIME command. The dis-
play should be similar to that
shown in Figure 22.
3. Enter a time using the time
format displayed on the DOS
screen xx:xx:xx:xx (a or p for
AM or PM, respectively).
4. Use an RTC time acceptable
to you as a reference (this
may be an accurate digital watch, or, more than likely, a call on your phone to a local time
reference). When the top of the hour is reached by the RTC, press the ENTER key on
your keyboard.
5. Proceed to the C:\9740 directory, if not already there. DO NOT REBOOT IN ORDER
TO GET BACK TO THE DIAGNOSTIC SCREEN. This would interfere with the time
setting you just made to the system clock.
6. While in the C:\9740 directory, invoke the system executable using the configuration
file name obtained earlier with the Alt + L key combination. Assuming a file name of
TEST, the command line would look as follows:
C:\9740>CM9740 TEST
This starts the system executable and takes you to the diagnostic screen. The time you
entered in step 4 will be displayed on all monitors in the system after initialization is
7. Twenty-four hours later, check the system time against the RTC time by comparing the
time displayed on any monitor screen in the system against that of the RTC. Make a note
of this difference in time.
8. Repeat steps 1 through 6, ending up at the diagnostic screen (repeating steps 1
through 6 synchronizes system time with RTC time again). This time, however, enter
an ALT + L keyboard command in preparation for making an adjustment to system time
based on your observation in step 7. The System box (System Error line) will read as
System : -Last Adj 0 : 0 . 0 Total 0 : 0 . 0
Enter a time using the following format:
MM : SS . HH [Minutes : Seconds . Hundredths of a Sec.] based on the time differ-
ence between RTC and system time that was noted in step 7.
Since system time is dis-
played on Monitor screens in for-
mat variations based on the (HH/
MM/SS) format, you will never
have occasion to enter adjust-
ments in the hundredths of a sec-
ond field in response to the ALT +
L diagnostic command line screen.
Figure 22
Time Synchronization
The best way to pre-
pare for the synchronization
process is to start the proce-
dure just before the top of the
hour, set your new time value
to equal it and then wait for your
reference time to approach that
time and, when it does, press
the ENTER key, synchronizing
system time with RTC time. See
the sample DOS screen repre-
sentation in Figure 22.