CM9740-CC1 | 45
Figure 27
CC1 Connections–Exercise I
The Directory Structure of the CC1 – Exercise I
Take the CC1 that came with your order and hook it up according to the illustration in Figure 27.
Figure 28
CC1 Setup–Final
When finished, your hook-up should look something like that illustrated in Figure 28.
If this looks a lot like a standard PC setup to you, you’re right, it is.
The CC1 is a CPU that has been designed and adapted for the singular purpose of operat-
ing a CCTV matrix system.
All you are going to do right now is look at the directory structure of the hard drive on the CC1.
Do the following:
1. Plug in the power cord for the monitor.
2. Turn on the monitor.
3. Plug in the power cord for the CC1.
It is not necessary to understand what happens next. Because flat files are pre-
configured for your system and installed at the factory, the CC1, when turned on,
tries to operate just as if it were connected to all the equipment described by the
information contained in the configuration files (flat files). These flat files are located
on the hard drive along with the system executable. When the CC1 is turned on
and boots, the 9740 system.exe loads and executes. In the process, it reads in all
the system flat files. On the monitor, there appears what is called a diagnostic
screen. There is a lot of activity taking place, especially in the System box at the
bottom of the screen. Eventually diagnostic screen activity ceases. Ignore every-
thing, including error messages. Don’t be concerned about them.