Promise Technology M210p Computer Hardware User Manual

VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual
VTrak subsystems are identified in the Tree by their Management Port IP
address. Click on the Subsystem icon in Tree View, then on the individual tabs
in Management View to access the functions.
Subsystem Information
The Subsystem–Information tab provides information about a specific
To set an alias for this subsystem, click the Settings tab.
To review the event log, click the Event tab.
To review settings for Rebuild, Auto Rebuild, Synchronization, Initialization,
Redundancy Check, Migration, PDM, Transition, and Media Patrol, click the
Background Activities tab.
To review the schedules for Media Patrol, Redundancy Check, Battery
Recondition, and Spare Check, click the Scheduler tab.
Subsystem Settings
The Subsystem–Settings tab enables you to assign an alias (name) to a specific
To set an alias for this subsystem:
1. Click on the Subsystem icon in Tree View.
2. Click on the Settings tab in Management View.
3. Enter a name into the Alias field.
Maximum of 48 characters. Use letters, numbers, space between words,
and underscore. An alias is optional.
4. Click the Submit button.
To set a Date and Time for this subsystem:
1. Click on the Subsystem icon in Tree View.
2. In Management View, click on the Settings tab dropdown menu and select
Date and Time Settings.
3. Under Subsystem Date, select the Month and Day from the dropdown
4. Type the current year into the Year field.
5. Under Subsystem Time, select the Hour, Minutes, and Seconds from the
dropdown menus.
6. Click the Submit button.