Renesas RJJ10J1643-0101 Network Card User Manual

Rev.1.01 2007.02.16
4.2.4 External interrupt
<Set external interrupt>
Boolean __SetInterrupt(unsigned long data1, unsigned int data2, void* func)
data1 Setup data 1 (content differs with MCU type)
data2 Setup data 2 (content differs with MCU type)
func Callback function pointer
(Specify 0 if no callback functions are set.)
Sets a specified external interrupt.
For data1, the following definition values can be set. To set multiple definition values at
the same time, use the symbol “|” to separate each specified value. Note, however, that
multiple external interrupts cannot be specified at the same time.
RAPI_INT0 Uses _INT0 interrupt.
RAPI_INT1 Uses _INT1 interrupt.
RAPI_INT2 Uses _INT2 interrupt.
RAPI_INT3 Uses _INT3 interrupt.
RAPI_INT4 Uses _INT4 interrupt.
RAPI_INT5 Uses _INT5 interrupt.
RAPI_KEY Uses key input interrupt.
RAPI_INT_RISING Specifies a rising edge for the active edge of a selected external
RAPI_INT_FALLING Specifies a falling edge for the active edge of a selected external
RAPI_INT_BOTH Specifies both edges for the active edge of a selected external
RAPI_KI0_ENABLE Uses _KI0 pin input.
RAPI_KI1_ENABLE Uses _KI1 pin input.
RAPI_KI2_ENABLE Uses _KI2 pin input.
RAPI_KI3_ENABLE Uses _KI3 pin input.
• Specifiable definition values when _INT05 interrupts are used (RAPI_INT0 to
RAPI_INT5 specified)
(Polarity) Specify one from { RAPI_INT_RISING, RAPI_INT_FALLING,
RAPI_INT_BOTH }. The default value is RAPI_INT_FALLING.
• Specifiable definition values when key input interrupt is used (RAPI_KEY specified)
(Input pin) To use _KI0, _KI1, _KI2, or _KI3 pin input, specify RAPI_KI0_ENABLE,
respectively. The default value is RAPI_INT_FALLING.
RAPI_INT0 Uses _INT0 interrupt.
RAPI_INT1 Uses _INT1 interrupt.