If You Cannot Make Prints as You Want
Storing Files
Problem Solution
Exceeded max. number of pages
per file. Do you want to store
the scanned pages as 1 file?
” ap-
The number of scanned pages exceeds the ca-
pacity per file of the machine.
To store scanned pages as a file, press [Yes].
Scanned data is stored as a file in the machine.
If you don't want to store scanned pages, press
[No]. Scanning data will be cleared.
You forgot your password. You can access password-protected files tem-
porarily. Press [Unlock] in Temporarily Unlock
Stored File in User Tools. See p.159 “Tempo-
rarily Unlock Stored Files”.
. You can delete all stored files at once with
User Tools. See p.159 “Delete All Files”.
Make sure no important files are stored in the
machine before deleting all stored files.
You cannot find out what is stored in a file. Check the date or time column on the display
in the machine.
Check the contents of the document by print-
ing the first page. Press the desired file on the
display in the machine, and press [Print 1st
Page] followed by the {Start} key.
Memory becomes full frequently. Press [Delete File] to delete selected files, there-
by increasing available memory.