• Turn the unwind brake fully towards you so there is no
brake tension on the unwind shaft (until no gap is visible
between the unwind brake and the lock collar).
• Swing out the desired unwind shaft towards you and
slide a roll of material onto the unwind shaft. Ensure
that the rubber blocking cords are on the top and bot-
tom of the shaft for easy loading (see below).
• For the bottom unwind shafts rotate the outer section of
the locking receiver towards you to open the receiver so
the shaft can be pulled out and loaded with material (see
Figure 11).
IMPORTANT! Make certain that you place the roll of
film on the unwind shaft so that the material will feed
with the adhesive side facing away from the rollers.
IMPORTANT! Swing the unwind shaft in towards the
receiver making sure to align the cutout notch in the
end of the unwind shaft with the receiver notch. Press
the unwind shafts firmly into the receivers to prevent
tension and tracking problems.
NOTE: If the end of the shaft is not correctly aligned
you will not be able to adjust the brake tension proper-
ly, causing tracking problems and possibly damaging
the end of the shaft.
• Remember to lock the receiver on the bottom unwind
shaft so the film tracks correctly and the unwind shaft
does not pull out of the receiver.
• Center the films on the unwind shafts using the rulers
on the unwind shafts for alignment.
IMPORTANT! The position of all films, boards, rolls
of media and cardboard cores for wind-ups must be set
central in the laminator to ensure optimum quality
and correct tracking.
• For alignment accuracy, pull a length of film forward off
the top unwind shaft until it drapes over the film on the
bottom unwind shaft. Make sure the edges of both film
rolls line up.
• Now secure the rolls of material onto the shafts by grip-
ping the shafts with one hand while rotating the rolls of
material with the other hand in the direction it will be
pulled off the unwind shafts. The rubber blocking cords
will catch on the inside of the material core and hold the
material secure on the shaft.
• If material needs to be rotated, turn the shafts, not the
rolls of film otherwise the roll of film will no longer be
secure to the shaft.
Unwind shaft cord adjustment
NOTE: Over time the rubber blocking cords will
stretch and need to be shortened slightly. To adjust the
cord, unfasten the cord at one end and cut off .39"
(1cm). Re-fasten the cord under the cord retainer clip.
Figure 10. Loading Roll of Material
Figure 11. Locking Receiver