is a tab stopeveryeightcolumns.Columnwidthdependson thehorizontal
spacingbeingusedwhenyougivethiscommand.If youchangepitchlater,
that won’taffecttabs.
To clear the old and set new tab stops, send this Set HorizontalTabs
d3SC> D d n2 ... ru%l<NUL>
Thiscommandneedsa bit ofexplanation.The nl andn2 andso on arethe
youcan listmorecolumns,as manyas 64in total. Listthemin ascending
order.Eitherafinal@NJL>(controlcodeO),or acolumnnumberlessthan
thatprecedingit, willendthe command.
To removeallhorizontaltabstops,issuetheSetHorizontalTabscommand
withno n columnvalues:
TheHorizontalTabMovecommandadvancestheprintpositionto thenext
horizontaltab position(or to the left marginon the next line,if the move
wouldgo beyondthe printablelimitof the page).To moveto a horizontal
tab stop,sendthiscommand:
5.4.11 Verticaltabs
Verticaltabs workmuch the sameway. Whenyou sendthe VerticalTab
No tabs are set whenyoufirst startFX-850emulation.
To givethe Set VerticalTabscommand,sendthisEscapesequence:
<ESC>B nl n2 ... n64 <NUL>
Thed andn2 andsoon arethelinenumberswhereyouwantto setvertical
tab stops.You can setup to 64tabs at anyofup to 254 positions.
Tomovedownto thenextverticaltabstop,sendthefollowingVerticalTab
Move command.If you’ve set no vertical tabs the VerticalTab Move
commandjust movesdownoneline.If thereareno moretab stopson the
pagetheprinterwilljust movedownoneline too.