If you are running the Enterprise Server on version 1.5 of the Java SDK, the JCE provider is
already congured properly. If you are running the Enterprise Server on version 1.4.x of the
Java SDK, you can add a JCE provider statically as part of your JDK environment, as follows.
1. Download and install a JCE provider JAR (Java ARchive) le.
The following URL provides a list of JCE providers that support RSA encryption:
http://java.sun.com/products/jce/javase_providers.html .
2. Copy the JCE provider JAR le to java-home/jre/lib/ext/.
3. Stop the Enterprise Server.
If the Enterprise Server is not stopped and then restarted later in this process, the JCE
provider will not be recognized by the Enterprise Server.
4. Edit the java-home/jre/lib/security/java.security properties le in any text editor.
Add the JCE provider you’ve just downloaded to this le.
The java.security le contains detailed instructions for adding this provider. Basically,
you need to add a line of the following format in a location with similar properties:
In this example, n is the order of preference to be used by the Enterprise Server when
evaluating security providers. Set n to 2 for the JCE provider you’ve just added.
For example, if you’ve downloaded The Legion of the Bouncy Castle JCE provider, you
would add this line.
Make sure that the Sun security provider remains at the highest preference, with a value of 1.
Adjust the levels of the other security providers downward so that there is only one security
provider at each level.
The following is an example of a java.security le that provides the necessary JCE
provider and keeps the existing providers in the correct locations.
5. Save and close the le.
ConguringtheEnterprise ServerforMessage Security
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December2008136