PropertyName ValidValue DefaultValue Description
ClientId A valid client ID None ClientID as specied byJMS 1.1
JNDI Name None JNDI nameof the connection factory
bound in theJNDI tree of the JMS
provider. The administratorshould
provide all connectionfactory properties
(except clientID) in theJMS provider
itself. This propertyname will be used only
if ProviderIntegratinMode is jndi.
true/false FALSE If setto true, the resource adapter willuse
an exception listenerto catch any
connection exception andwill send a
application server.
Administered Object Resource Properties
Properties in this section are specied when an administered object resource is created. All the
resource adapter properties can be overridden in an administered resource object. Additional
properties available only in the administered object resource are given below.
PropertyName ValidValue DefaultValue Description
DestinationJndiName JNDIName None JNDI name of thedestination bound in
the JNDI treeof the JMS provider. The
Administratorshould provide all
properties in theJMS provider itself.
This property namewill be used only if
ProviderIntegrationMode is jndi.
DestinationProperties Name value pairs
separated by comma
None Species the javabean propertynames
and values ofthe destination of the JMS
client. Required onlyif
ProviderIntegrationMode is
Activation Spec Properties
Properties in this section are specied in the Sun-specic deployment descriptor of MDB as
activation-config-properties. All the resource adapter properties can be overridden in an
Activation Spec. Additional properties available only in ActivationSpec are given below.
ForeignJMS Providers
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December200872