Restart the Enterprise Server.
To set the keypoint interval
Keypoint operations compress the transaction log le. The keypoint interval is the number of
transactions between keypoint operations on the log. Keypoint operations can reduce the size of
the transaction log les. A larger number of keypoint intervals (for example, 2048) results in
larger transaction log les, but fewer keypoint operations, and potentially better performance.
A smaller keypoint interval (for example, 256) results in smaller log les but slightly reduced
performance due to the greater frequency of keypoint operations.
In the tree componentselect the Congurationsnode.
Select the instance tocongure:
To congure aparticular instance, select the instance’s cong node.For example, thedefault
instance,server , select theserver-config node.
To congure thedefault settings for allinstances, select the default-config node.
Select theTransaction Servicenode.
Enter the numberof transactions between keypointoperations in the Keypoint Interval eld.
The default value is 2048.
Click Save.
Restart the Enterprise Server.
AdminConsoleTasks forTransactions
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December2008148