PropertyName ValidValues DefaultValue Description
JndiProperties Name valuepairs separated
by comma
None Species the JNDIprovider properties
to be usedfor connecting to the JMS
provider's JNDI. Usedonly if
ProviderIntegrationMode is jndi.
Methodname None Species the commonsetter method
name that someJMS vendors use to
set the propertieson their
administered objects. Usedonly if
ProviderIntegrationMode is
javabean. Inthe case of Sun Java
System Message Queue, thisproperty
is named setProperty.
UserName Name of the JMSuser None User name toconnect to the JMS
Password Password for the JMSuser None Passwordto connect to the JMS
ForeignJMS Providers
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December200870