When the transaction spans across servers, the server that started the transaction can contact
the other servers to get the outcome of the transactions. If the other servers are unreachable, the
transaction uses the Heuristic Decision eld to determine the outcome.
In the tree componentselect the Congurationsnode.
Select the instance tocongure:
To congure aparticular instance, select the instance’s cong node.For example, thedefault
instance,server , select theserver-config node.
To congure thedefault settings for allinstances, select the default-config node.
Select theTransaction Servicenode.
To enable the recovery of incomplete transactions,check the Recoverin the On Restart eld.
Set the amount oftime, in seconds, the Enterprise Server tries to connect to the unreachable
server in the RetryTimeout eld.Thedefault value is 10minutes (600 seconds).
Set the policy for unreachable servers in atransaction in the Heuristic Decision eld.
Unless there is a good reason to set this eld to Commit, leave Heuristic Decision set to
Rollback. Committing indeterminate transactions can compromise the data integrity of your
Set anyneeded properties.
Click the Add Properties button, type values in the Name and Value elds, and check the box to
the left of the Name to activate the property.
Click Save.
Restart the Enterprise Server.
To set a transaction timeout value
By default, the server does not timeout a transaction. That is, the server waits indenitely for a
transaction to complete. If you set a timeout value for transactions, if a transaction isn’t
completed within the congured time, the Enterprise Server rolls back the transaction.
In the tree component, select the Congurations node.
AdminConsoleTasks forTransactions
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December2008146