TABLEC–3 List andStatus Commands (Continued)
list-components Lists all deployed Java EE 5components. If the --typeoption isnot specied,
all components arelisted.
list-sub-components Lists EJBs orServlets in a deployed module orin a module of the deployed
application. Ifa module is not identied, allmodules are listed.
enable Enables thespecied component. If the componentis already enabled, then itis
re-enabled. The componentmust have been deployed in orderto be enabled. If
it has notbeen deployed, then an error messageis returned.
disable Immediatelydisables the named component. The componentmust have been
deployed. Ifthe component has not been deployed,an error message is
export Marksa variable name for automatic exportto the environment of subsequent
commands. All subsequentcommands use the variable name valueas specied
unless you unsetthem or exit multimode.
get Gets the names and valuesof attributes.
set Sets the values ofone or more congurable attribute.
list Lists thecongurable element. On Solaris, quotesare needed when executing
commands with *as the option value or operand.
unset Removes one or more variables youset for the multimode environment.The
variables and theirassociated values will no longer existin the environment.
Deployment Commands
The deployment commands deploy an application or get the client stubs.
TABLEC–4 DeploymentCommands
Command Denition
deploy Deploys anenterprise application, web application, EJB module,connector
module, or applicationclient module. If the componentis already deployed or
already exists, itis forcefully redeployed if the --forceoption is set to true.
deploydir Deploys an applicationdirectly from a development directory. The
appropriate directory hierarchyand deployment descriptors conforming to
the Java EE specicationmust exist in the deployment directory.
get-client-stubs Gets theclient stubs JAR le foran AppClient standalone module or an
application containing theAppClient module, from the server machineto the
local directory. Theapplication or module should be deployedbefore
executing this command.
AppendixC • Theasadmin Utility 239