TABLEC–15 User ManagementCommands (Continued)
Command Denition
update-file-user Updatesan existing entry in the keyleusing the specied user_name,
user_password and groups. Multiplegroups can be entered by separating
them, with acolon (:).
list-file-users Createsa list ofle users supported by lerealm authentication.
list-file-groups Administers leusers and groups supported by thele realm authentication.
This command listsavailable groups in the le user.
Rules and Monitoring Commands
Rules and monitoring commands allow you to manage rules and monitor the server. These
commands are supported in remote mode only.
TABLEC–16 Rulesand MonitoringCommands
Command Denition
create-management-rule Creates anew management rule to intelligently self-managethe
application server installationand deployed applications.
delete-management-rule Removes themanagement rule you specify.
create-transformation-rule Creates an XSLT transformation rule that canbe applied to a webservice
operation. The rulecan be applied either to arequest or to a response.
delete-transformation-rule Deletes an XSLT transformation rule of agiven web service.
start-callflow-monitoring Collects and correlatesdata from Web container, EJB containerand JDBC
to provide acomplete call ow/path of a request.Datais collected only if
callflow-monitoring is ON.
stop-callflow-monitoring Disables collection of callow information of a request.
Database Commands
The database commands allow you to start and stop the Java DB database (based on Apache
Derby. These commands are supported in local mode only.
AppendixC • Theasadmin Utility 247