User’s Manual 1-15
TOSHIBA Wireless
Key Logon
This utility is intended to improve the process of
logging on to BIOS/Windows by involving the
additional use of a Bluetooth-ready cellular
DVD Video Player The DVD Video Player is used to play DVD-
Video. It has an on-screen interface and
functions. Click Start -> All Programs ->
InterVideo WinDVD -> InterVideo WinDVD for
Bluetooth Stack for
Windows by Toshiba
This software enables communication between
the computer and external Bluetooth devices
such as printers and mobile phones.
Bluetooth cannot be used in models that do not have a Bluetooth module
Memory Boot Utility
The TOSHIBA SD memory boot utility allows you
to create a bootable SD memory card to start the
system. You can boot TOSHIBA SD Memory
Boot Utility from the menu bar as follows. Click
Start -> All Programs -> TOSHIBA -> Utilities
-> SD Memory Boot Utility.
SD Memory Card Format Utility and other SD functions are packaged into
TOSHIBA SD Memory Utilities. When uninstalling the SD utilities, click
Start -> Control Panel -> Uninstall a program -> TOSHIBA SD Memory
Memory Card Format
This utility allows you to format an SD memory
card by the SD standard format.
TOSHIBA Assist TOSHIBA Assist is a graphical user interface that
provides access to specific tools, utilities and
applications that make the use and configuration
of the computer easier.
This utility supports docking your computer to an
optional TOSHIBA Express Port Repricator. To
open the property dialog, select TOSHIBA Mobile
Extension from TOSHIBA Assist.