Osprey 240e/450e User Guide
ViewCast 15
The Input tab has the following controls.
Video Input
The Video Input section of the tab allows you to select the video
signal source.
Video Present
This indicator is enabled when video is present.
Video Standard
The Video Standard allows you to select the standard different
countries or geographical areas use (Figure 10) from the drop-
down list.
Input Format
This control works with digital cameras routing through the
Osprey’s card’s analog input.
This button opens a simple video monitoring window.
This button launches a vectorscope/lumascope utility.
This button opens an applet that displays the raw waveforms of
the video’s Vertical Blanking Interval (VBI).
Click OK to accept the settings.
Click Cancel to reject the settings and close the window.
Click Apply to apply the settings.
Click Help to access the user guide.