Osprey 240e/450e User Guide
ViewCast 93
Appendix C: Troubleshooting
Color bars on video screen
The Osprey 240e/450e AVStream driver has a built-in color bar generator. If color bars appear in your
video preview window, video is not present on the selected video input (Figure 80).
You can adjust or change the color bar display, including the text overlay on the screen, using the Device
Properties tab.
Figure 80. No-Video Test Pattern
To solve this problem, check the following:
Check that the camera, VCR, or other video source is powered and that its output is
connected to the Osprey card’s input.
Check that you selected the correct video input in the Control Dialog’s Source page.
Scrambled video image
You may have set the wrong video signal format for the signal input you are using. For example, you
may have told the driver to look for NTSC-M video but are using a PAL-BDGHI video source. Make sure
you know what signal format your video source is generating. Go into the Video Standard field of the
Control Dialog’s Source page, and click the button for that signal format.