Getting Started 13
Neighborhood setup on the server. These icons display on the desktop and
in various places (for example, Systray and the user Desktop submenu
application selections) depending on the Citrix server configuration.
For more information on configuring the resolution and refresh rate for the monitor used
with the thin client, refer to "Selecting Display Settings."
Using the Shortcut Menu and Desktop Menu
Right-clicking on the desktop provides a Shortcut menu with the following options:
• Hide all windows – To bring the full desktop to the foreground.
• Copy to clipboard – To copy the image of the full screen, current window, or event log
to the clipboard. The clipboard contents can then be pasted to an ICA or an RDP
• Purge clipboard – To discard the contents of the clipboard in order to free up memory.
• Lock Terminal – To put the terminal in a locked state if the user has signed on to the
system with a password. The terminal can only be unlocked using the same password.
Clicking the User Name desktop button on the task bar opens the Desktop menu (the
Desktop button shows the user log-on name).
Figure 2 Desktop menu
Using the System Setup Submenu
Selecting System Setup in the Desktop menu opens the System Setup submenu (for
High-privileged and Low-privileged users only).
Figure 3 System Setup Submenu