Xerox 3825, 3225, 2025 Printer User Manual

At least seven pieces of documentation accompany your printer. If
you’ve ordered any optional accessories or any optional manual,
you’ll have more. This section gives you an idea of how we have
organized information and which documents you’ll probably refer to
the most.
The following documents are shipped with your printer:
QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System User’s Guide
You’re looking at it right now. Use this manual to operate your
printer on a daily basis. It covers printing files, adding print media,
selecting input and output bins, duplexing, collating, and main-
taining and troubleshooting the printer. “About This Manual,” later
in this chapter, details the contents of the user’s guide.
QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System Administrator’s Guide
Refer to this manual as you configure the printer initially and when
you change configuration. The instructions guide you through the
steps for setting up default values for many printer features. The
system administrator should get the most use from this manual.
QMS Crown Document Option Commands
This reference manual lists and explains QMS Document Option
Commands (DOCs), which provide another way to control the
printer. DOCs are software codes you insert into documents to
enable printer features that cannot be accessed by your applica-
tion or your page description language. In most cases, only
advanced users and system administrators need this information.
LN03 Plus Emulation for QMS Printers
Refer to this manual for information on the features and capabili-
ties of the LN03 Plus emulation. Users who want to print LN03
Plus files will find this information helpful.