Xerox 3825, 3225, 2025 Printer User Manual

Printer Option
An accessory that may be purchased for the printer to expand its
capabilities. These accessories include SIMM boards (RAM expansions),
network interface cards, and external hard disks.
Programmable Read Only Memory. A storage device that can be
programmed by electrical pulses. A PROM does not lose its memory when
the printer is turned off.
Proportional Spacing
A style of typeface design in which wider characters, such as “m” take more
space than narrow characters, such as “i.” See also
fixed spacing
A set of procedures that control how data is transmitted between devices.
A list of documents or jobs waiting to be printed.
Random Access Memory. RAM specifies the memory that is transient.
Information or data in RAM is lost when the power is turned off or severely
The conversion of vector graphics (images described mathematically as
points connected by straight lines) to equivalent images composed of pixel
patterns that can be stored and manipulated as sets of bits.
Remote Console
A console connected to the printer via network. When a remote console
connection is established, the system administrator may configure the
printer through the console as well as through the printer control panel.
Permanently stored in the printer’s memory.
Resident Fonts
Fonts permanently stored in the printer’s memory; also called internal fonts.