
WorkCentre 6400 Multifunction Printer
System Administrator Guide
Internet Fax Addresses
You can store Internet Fax email addresses in the printer’s internal address book or you can configure
the printer to reference a network LDAP directory. To configure LDAP settings, see LDAP on page 37. To
add Internet Fax addresses to the Address book, see Internet Fax and Email Address Book on
page 161.
Troubleshooting Internet Fax
If you are experiencing problems with sending an Internet Fax, first verify that the printer is connected
on the network and functioning as a printer by performing the following activities:
Note: Configure your printer on the network or resolve any networking issues before attempting to
use the Internet Fax feature.
1. Verify the printer is installed and functioning on the network. For details, see Initial Setup at the
Control Panel on page 15.
2. Verify TCP/IP is enabled. For details, see Enabling TCP/IP on page 22.
3. Ensure SMTP is enabled.
4. Verify that the SMTP Server Address is correct and that the TCP/IP Domain Name, host name, and
DNS settings are properly configured.
5. Verify the POP3 Server Address is correct.
See also: For more help, see the Online Support Assistant at www.xerox.com/office/WC6400support.