EES-1024AF Intelligent Ethernet Switch
4-2 Introducing the SMT
Figure 4-2 Parameter settings of communication parameters in Hyper Terminal
Table 4-1 Field Values for Hyper Terminal in Windows
Baud Rate 9600 bps
Data Bits 8
Parity none
Stop Bit 1
Control flow None
4.2.1 Initial Screen
At the prompt, type go and press [ENTER] to display the main screen as shown next.
Figure 4-3 SMT - Initial Screen
4.2.2 Password Screen (optional)
If you enabled the console password login option, the following screen displays. To disable or enable this option,
see 4.4.2 Enable Console Login
Figure 4-4 SMT - Login
Type ‘go’ to enter main menu: go
Login: root
User root logged in
Type ‘go’ to enter main menu or ‘exit’ to logout: go