ZyXEL Communications EES-1024AF Switch User Manual

EES-1024AF Intelligent Ethernet Switch
General Setup Using the SMT 5-5
5.8 Configure Secure IP Addresses
When the secure IP for Telnet or HTTP is enabled, only those IP address(es) specified in this screen will be able to
Telnet to the switch or login using the Web Configurator. You can specify up to 4 IP addresses. If either secure IP
feature is enabled without specifying an IP address, no device will be able to log into the switch using that login
Enabling the secure IP feature will not affect console port login.
ZyXEL recommend that you enable the Secure IP for HTTP option if the switch is on the public
Enter “i” from the main menu to bring up the Secure IP screen.
Figure 5-8 SMT – Secure IP
Table 5-3 Fields in Secure IP
Secure IP for
Select this option and enable or disable the
secure IP for Telnet sessions.
Secure IP for
Select this option and enable or disable the
secure IP for HTTP sessions.
3 .. 6
Secure IP 1 .. 4 Select these options to specify secure IP
Press “q” to exit this menu.
5.9 General Setup Complete
The SMT allows you to configure basic settings of the switch. Use the embedded Web Configurator to configure
advanced settings as described next.
[Main] [Secure IP]
1. Secure IP for Telnet: Enabled
2. Secure IP for HTTP: Enabled
3. Secure IP 1:
4. Secure IP 2:
5. Secure IP 3:
6. Secure IP 4:
Q. Quit
Note: We suggest that you enable the HTTP
option if the management CPU
uses an Internet real IP
Select one function (1-6, Q):