ZyXEL Communications EES-1024AF Switch User Manual

EES-1024AF Intelligent Ethernet Switch Optional Modules Guide
Introducing the SMT 4-5
The SMT will return to the Device Settings screen. You should see your new user name and the password will be
shown as “********”.
4.4.2 Enable Console Login
ZyXEL strongly recommend that you enable the console login feature for security.
Step 1. In the Device Settings menu, Enter 8 to select the Console Login Enabled option.
Step 2. Enter “y” at the “Input Yes or No (Y, N):” prompt.
4.4.3 Assigning IP Address
Once you have logged into the switch, you need to assign an IP address to the Ethernet Interfaces of the switch so
that you can connect to and manage the switch using a web browser. Follow the steps to assign an IP address to
your switch:
Step 1. In the Device Settigns menu, enter 4 to select IP Address.
Step 2. Enter a unique IP address for the switch, and then press [ENTER]. ( Default IP address is )
Step 3. Enter 5 to select Subnet Mask, and enter the subnet mask ( IP Net mask ) address. ( Default subnet
Mask is )
Step 4. Enter 6 to Select Default Gateway, and enter the IP address of the default gateway if you are sending
packets to another IP network. ( Default Gateway is 192.168.16. 254 )
The gateway address is the router that can forward packets to the other IP networks
Return to the main menu to execute S (Save Current Settings) and R (Reboot System) to make your new settings
take effect.
4.5 Save and Reboot
Once you have make new changes using the SMT you have to save the new settings and reboot your switch.
4.5.1 Save Current Settings
You must save the new settings to the switch before rebooting. Follow the steps to save the current settings.
Step 1. Enter “s” from the SMT main menu.
Step 2. Enter “y” at the prompt to continue saving and press [ENTER]. Once you save the current settings to the
switch, you will not be able to get back the old settings. Enter “n” to cancel.
Step 3. Wait for a moment. The SMT will return to the main menu after the saving the current settings.