
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 62 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
As you’d expect, you can save and load the programs you create (or Get) to
and from your computer. In this context, the programs are called “files."
You can also print out a picture of your program. All of these functions are
accessed under the File menu.
The New command creates an “empty” file. Use this command to start
creating a new program or just before you Get a program from the
Harmonizer. The
button does the same thing.
The Open command
opens an existing file.
The dialog box shown
to the right allows you
to select a file to open
from among the various
drives and folders in
your computer. The
button does the same
The Save command saves the program in the active window and overwrites its previous version. The
button does the same thing.
The Save As command opens a dialog box similar to the File Open dialog box above. You can select
from among the various drives and folders in your computer to save the program in the active window.
You can also create or change the name of the file.