The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 86 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
The resolution specifier controls what minimum change in a parameter value can be achieved by turning the
KNOB or by using the INC or DEC key on the numeric keypad. The resolution parameter also controls the
“rate of change” as the
KNOB is spun. If the resolution is very fine, the parameter value will increment in
“baby steps” as the
KNOB is spun. If the resolution is very course, the parameter value will increment in
“great leaps” as the
KNOB is spun.
For example, if the selected parameter displays a value of 45.30 and the resolution is 1.0000, then slow
motion clockwise rotation on the
KNOB will change the value to 46.30 (unless the
max value
is less than
!). If
the selected parameter displays a value of
45.30 and the resolution is 0.1000, then slow motion
clockwise rotation on the
KNOB will change the value to 45.40.
As yet another wee exercise, use the <modify> SOFT KEY the same way as in the Min and Max Value
section and adjust the
resolution specifier of the knb module. Notice the difference this makes in the “step
size” of the
Each Delay parameter value. (You’ll have to walk yourself through this one. . .)