The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 93 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
• Go back to the basic Patch Editor area by pressing the
<done> SOFT KEY. Now <insert> an easytaps module.
• Return to the
PARAMETER area and observe that there is
now a second
SOFT KEY. This SOFT KEY is stacked because the
easytaps’ parameters take up more than one menu page.
• Go back to the Patch Editor and use the
<modify> SOFT
on the head module. Note there are now three
userobjects connected to the head module and that the new
userobject was connected after the existing two userobjects.
Adding a menupage module
This section demonstrates how an empty menu page shows up in
<insert> a menupage module (from the “Interface”
• Use the
<modify> SOFT KEY on the head module and
change the
obj1 specifier to menupage-obj.
• Return to the PARAMETER area and observe that the
menupage module has created a new menu page and that
the allpass and easytaps’
SOFT KEYS were bumped
over when the null userobject was replaced.
This section goes through a tutorial to show:
• That modules’ parameters are presented on a menu page when their userobject outputs are connected to a
menupage module (which is in turn connected to the head module).
That multiple connections of the same module’s userobject output creates multiple “images” of the
module’s parameter(s).
Note: The second image of a module’s parameter(s) on the same menu page may not be active.
• That menupage modules’ userobject outputs may be connected to other menupage modules to create
SOFT KEY stacks.
Inserting Multiple menupages
• Load Empty Program from the “Programming” bank.
• Go to the Patch Editor area by pressing and holding the
• Select
misc display mode by pressing the <aud only> key three times.
<insert> a menupage module from the interface group.