The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 81 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
The Patch Editor automatically creates PARAMETER area menu pages for most modules when they are
inserted by connecting their userobjects to the head module. You can create a wealth of programs this way.
In the
PARAMETER area, parameters will automatically be grouped by module and SOFT KEYS will appear -
one per module. A program created this way will be fully functional and have all of the audio characteristics
of a factory preset. Audio, however, is where the similarities end. A program created using the “automatic
menu system” will not look as slick, nor be as easy to use, as the factory presets are. Factory presets are
created by hand-connecting the userobjects of knob modules to menupage modules and then hand-
connecting the userobjects of those menupage modules to the head module. This chapter details how this
is done.
Viewing Menupages and Menupage Modules
A menupage module has a single userobject and any number of
userobject inputs. Normally a menupage module is connected to
the head module. If so, the menupage module shows up in
PARAMETER area as one or more pages of parameters, a title
line, and a
SOFT KEY. The information for the title line and
SOFT KEY and the list of connected userobjects that comprise the parameters seen in the PARAMETER area
are accessible by using the
<modify> SOFT KEY on the menupage module. For example, load the
Patch Instruct from the “Programming” bank.
The menu page shown above is visible in the
PARAMETER area. It is created with a menupage module, a
knob module, a monitor module, and a textblock module
(we’ll see how in a minute).
Pressing and holding
the PARAMETER key will access the Patch
Editor area. Do so and then press the
<aud only> SOFT KEY to
get the screen shown to the right. From this display the knob
(knb) module and monitor (mon) module are visible. Both
are visible in this display mode because they have one or more control inputs or outputs. The menupage
and textblock modules have neither so they will only be visible in the
misc display mode. Press the
<aud+ctrl> SOFT KEY twice to view the program in the misc display mode.
The three modules, head (hed), menupage (mnu), and
textblock (
txt) can now be seen. Pressing the LEFT or
RIGHT CURSOR key will select one of the modules. Select the
menupage module and then press the
<modify> SOFT KEY.
From here, we can see the description “delay control” and
8 char name “DelayCtl."
Note that these equate to the title and SOFT KEY when the menu
page is viewed in the