Supplementary Voice Features Included with U, EZ-ISDN-1, V and EZ-ISDN 1A 119
Supplementary Voice
Features Included with
U, EZ-ISDN-1, V and
Package U or EZ-ISDN 1 includes automatic support on telephone number 1 for
the following supplementary voice features, which are also supported by the ISDN
LAN Modem:
■ Call Waiting
■ Call Conference (or Three-Way Calling)
■ Call Transfer
■ Call Forwarding
■ Caller ID
Package V or EZ-ISDN 1A includes automatic support on telephone number 1 for
all of the above features, plus Voice Mail.
For the purposes of ordering your ISDN line, Packages U and EZ-ISDN 1 are
equivalents. Both offer support for the same set of supplementary voice services.
In some regions you will encounter the term
Package U
; in others, you
will encounter the term
Packages V and EZ-ISDN 1A are also equivalents. They differ from U and EZ-ISDN 1
only by the addition of Voice Mail to the list of their services.
Limitations of ISDN
Ordering Codes U,
EZ-ISDN 1, V and
Although IOC U, EZ-ISDN 1, V and EZ-ISDN 1A are the ISDN Ordering Codes which
will best allow you to take advantage of the ISDN LAN Modem’s supplementary
voice features, certain limitations do exist in the way your ISDN line is provisioned
under them, as described here:
Simultaneous Voice and
Data on the Same
Telephone Number
■ Under U, EZ-ISDN 1, V and EZ-ISDN 1A, support for simultaneous voice and
data on the same telephone number is not provided. This means that while you
are on a circuit-switched data call, you will not be able to place or receive a
telephone or fax call on telephone number 2. A circuit-switched data call
always uses telephone number 2 for the first B channel; therefore, whenever
you are on a data call, telephone number 2 becomes unavailable for incoming
or outgoing voice calls (telephone or fax). Telephone number 1, however, will
remain available for a voice call while you are on a data call.
When your ISDN LAN Modem is set to its default settings, telephone number 1
is routed to Port 1 as a telephone line, while telephone number 2 is routed to
Port 2 as a fax line. If a data call is launched to the Internet, you will be able to
receive a telephone call but not a fax call while you are connected. Likewise, if
a fax happens to come in while you are dialing in to the Internet, you will be
unable to place the call to the Internet.
If you must have simultaneous data and voice capability on the same telephone
number, refer to the section, “If You Must Have Simultaneous Voice and Data
Capability on Both Numbers.”
For a complete list of the capabilities of ISDN Ordering Codes U, EZ-ISDN 1, V, and
EZ-ISDN 1A, refer to “Table of ISDN Ordering Code Capabilities.”