System Defaults
IP Settings Management. VLAN Any VLAN configured with an IP address
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
DHCP Client: Enabled
Relay: Disabled
Server: Disabled
DNS Server: Disabled
BOOTP Disabled
ARP Enabled
Cache Timeout: 20 minutes
Proxy: Disabled
Unicast Routing RIP Disabled
OSPF Disabled
Router Redundancy VRRP Disabled
Multicast Filtering IGMP Snooping (Layer 2) Snooping: Enabled
Querier: Disabled
IGMP (Layer 3) Disabled
Multicast Routing DVMRP Disabled
PIM-DM Disabled
System Log Status Enabled
Messages Logged Levels 0-7 (all)
Messages Logged to Flash Levels 0-3
SMTP Email Alerts Event Handler Enabled (but no server defined)
SNTP Clock Synchronization Disabled
Table 1-2 System Defaults (Continued)
Function Parameter Default